
Jacksonvile Weekend

The weekend at home was fun even though it rained forever. I was glad to spend some time with my wonderful nieces. Erin and I took Alice out to eat @ Best Buffet. She was awesome, to say the least, despite wanting to play with the germs in the plugged up bathroom sink.



Follow the bouncing ball!!

I'm hoping we will get to interactive applets soon, but at least we did something that moves this week!




Senators or SenNOtors?

The US Senate has seen manyshades of blue and red over the years. But now the senate has skipped all shades and skipped directly to the color Retarded. OK, so maybe its not an actual color, but hear me out.

Right now the divide between the idealist factions of the two major parties are about like the grand canyon. They are so far apart and so unwilling to compromise that nothing is getting done. This inability to help the very people who elected them to their positions, is driving many good moderates to rethink even taking part is this legislative debacle. I am sure the left and the right are more than happy to see the moderates leave so they can attempt to replace them with people who will say "To hell with getting anything accomplished, lets just play politics and get re-elected!" Yeah that will be great. Lets just make the political divide that much more polarized, I'm sure then they will get something done.

How do the American people benefit from all this political grandstanding and constant posturing. Your guess is as good as mine... Retarded..



Week 5 = Done!

Two tests down, one to go, and the last one is a take home test. Hooray! Too bad I have to cite my work and add in a work cited... for a test.... ugh.. oh well. Week 5 is done, and I am glad to be home relaxing.

I uploaded some new Java Applets a few hours ago. Pretty similar to last weeks uploads but with a little more FLAIR!.

Check em out!! ------------> Java Applets <-----------------



Lions and Tigers and Geeks, Oh My!

So it's my birthday, and to celebrate I decided to buy a new Laptop and head to a LAN party at my friends house in Chicago (lots of computers, lots of caffeine, lots of beer, and lots of RASburgers). It has been a few years since I have been to a LAN and it was a lot of fun to see some old friends and be a bit of a dork for a weekend.

Being in Chicago had an added bonus though. On Sunday, Erin and I went to visit my sister and her family @ her in-laws. We got to see the girls which is always an adventure, and had the most awesome Soggy I-Beef Sandwiches for dinner. Just one more reason to like Villa Park.

Well Happy Birthday to me, and thank goodness the superbowl wasn't a flop!



Yay new applets!!

Just a quick lil post, I just finished my 4th Lab for CS I and uploaded them to my EIU webpage. My applets are getting a tad more interesting.

On another good note, I received my letter from EIU saying my appeal has been accepted, so I'll get my Financial Aid. ^.^ The down side is I have to appeal EVERY semester. Money is money though. Hurray!!

Now I have to go study for my Calc test and pack for my weekend in Chicago. LAN party (known to normal people as a dork-fest) + going to see Becky, Matt and the Girls.



politics is making me sad

The state of our political climate in the US right now is one of, "I'll get mine, and to hell with everyone else." It really makes me sad and ashamed. If we really are the leader of the free world, then we are a poor example for all those who come after us. We should be able to come together to do what is right, rather than bicker and complain that the legislation is too liberal or too conservative. The system has become more and more corrupt. Politicians can no longer just set aside their political beliefs without essentially cutting off an arm or a leg of their finances.

Personally I don't think this is all politicians fault though. Our nation just hasn't been able to adapt quick enough to the information age. A constant stream of fact mixed with 1/2-truths on the internet and 24/7 "news" channels on TV make the price of going out on a limb to do something right very high. With all the exposure these days one simple vote on a seemingly innocent bill could spell certain doom for any politician at any given time. There is not a man or woman in Washington that is immune to this problem. Each and every member of Congress is working to please, not their constituents, but the third parties that hold them in their pockets.

The problem doesn't just stem from third party interests. The Politicians themselves have to step up and try to work together. Over the last year the phrase I think I heard the most from people in congress is, "It's the will of the people." The left used this when they ousted Republicans from the majority, and now the right is touting it around because they are starting to get some of their political capital back. Every time they say this it's used to justify why they are too damn stubborn to consider anything but what fits into their ideals.

Maybe this view is a tad cynical, but it just seems to me that something is very wrong with the way we operate. If we can't come together to solve the problems of our nation, then we have no business being the world leader that we are. Something needs to happen and simply changing out broken parts on a corrupted political machine does NOT get it running again.

Well I hope that all makes sense. I'm still a little tired and my brain is a little scattered, but i was reading another news article this morning where both parties were trying to use the "It's the will of the people!!" line.. and it just made me so sad and angry that I had to write something.

I look forward to seeing nothing accomplished before the election in November.


thanks to dailybiz.wordpress.com for the picture. ^.^